More Clients. More Referrals
More Bottom Line Profits.
More Free Time with Your Family and Friends.
It's No Accident.

We'll Show You How --Guaranteed!!!

FROM: David Pham
Malibu, California

Dear Fellow Entrepreneur,

How many consultants do you know that will guarantee results? My bet is not too many.

I know about consultants all too well, I’ve hired many in my life. In fact at one time I was paying almost $30,000 per month in consulting fees between three consultants and an advertising agency. When you spend that kind of money you should expect to see a significant return on your investment --I wasn’t -- in fact I wasn’t even seeing a dollar for dollar return. So in the end, I fired them all!

As a consultant it's my goal to deliver many times the value you pay me in the form of additional profits, free time and business value. I work to get results, get them fast, and provide you a good return on your investment otherwise I don’t want your money.

How can I make such a claim?

Over the last 20 years I have started and built companies, one of which I started from scratch and developed into a multi-million dollar international organization.

Unlike a lot of consultants, speakers and authors, my experience is in “real” businesses. I don’t consult based only on books I’ve read, some silly “coaching certification,” or a “be a consultant or coach” weekend training program.

My advice, strategies and tactics have all been battle-tested in my own businesses, my clients businesses and have been used to add PROFITS, CUSTOMERS and VALUE.

Here are the key areas that we can help you with advice and strategy:

    • Marketing planning and strategy (including advertising advice and planning).
      If you already have a marketing system or marketing plan in place, we can also help you troubleshoot specific marketing problems.
    • Strategic business development
    • Uncovering hidden and/or neglected profits
    • Identifying and developing new profit centers
    • Internet/online strategy
    • Systems development (including sales systems)
    • Search engine marketing (pay-per-click and organic search)
    • Area exclusive/franchising consulting
    • Ad/Sales Letter/Website Critiques
    • Preparing your business for sale

During this meeting we'll get to learn more about your business and get an understanding of what you hope to accomplish from a consulting engagement. Undoubtedly we'll come up with ways to accelerate your business success. The call is absolutely FREE and without obligation. CLICK on FREE EVALUATION - Recession Proof Your Business NOW.

Most of the time we consult with an entrepreneur it is generally in one (sometimes more) of the following Specific Areas:

1. Uncovering the hidden profits inside your business. This is the area we do the most work in -- we focus on profit. We will install marketing processes and systems designed to maximize the profits your business earns.

2. Developing your “franchise” business model. We help you develop processes and systems that produce consistent results across all aspects of your business.

3. Removing you from the day-to-day business activities. We’ll accomplish this by helping you set up marketing and business development processes and systems that will create a “franchise” model transforming you from Reactive Business Owner (RBO) to Strategic Entrepreneur.

4. Installing you as the CEO -- the Strategic Entrepreneur -- driving your company’s success from the outside looking in.

These four areas of focus will accomplish a few very important things for you:

1.  You will make more money and have more options for your business and your life.

2. You will create an ASSET that can be sold or leveraged for greater personal wealth and freedom.

3. You will free yourself from the time demands of your business so you can have a life outside of your business.

Whatever your marketing or business challenge...or opportunity we can help...guaranteed! So don't delay.


There are areas of your business that are working well, correct?
And then there are some things that don't seem to be working at all.
They're holding you back. Maybe you know what they are, maybe you don't.
Isn't it time you found out why your business isn't performing the way you think it should?

Simple but true, all business outcomes are governed by how business owners and managers utilize five key laws. These laws are straightforward and almost self-evident but are not generally applied at levels that produce outstanding results.

1 Law of Vision
Ignite Forward Movement. Vision propels companies to break through obstacles and it drives meaning, purpose and innovation.

2 Law of Frequency
Fail Faster. There is a direct correlation between a company's long-term success and how frequently and accurately it course-corrects.

3 Law of Perception
Perception Is Reality. Reality isn't reality, perception is. Companies that fail to manage market perception will inevitably struggle.

4 Law of Accountability
Your Most Valuable Asset. Developing individual and team accountability accelerates learning, defines focus, and leads to staggering results.

5 Law of Leadership
The Bridge To Success. Leadership is the link between behavior and structure that determines the ultimate success of a business

Protect Your Business During This Uncertain Economy

Are you protecting yourself from the effects of this uncertain economy?
Do you know what areas of your business are at greatest risk?

Take our free evaluation and discover where your business is most exposed. This evaluation addresses these areas:

Financial Controls, The Dynamics of Business
Move Your Customers Up the Loyalty Ladder
Entice Your Prospects To Contact You, Get New Customers
Leadership and Management Controls
Employee Structure
How to Get More Money From Each Sale
Sale & Marketing
Earn the Right to Referrals
Exit Strategy

At NextLevel Business Development Consulting, we take common businesses and transform them into successful companies. We apply proven methods to overcome poor leadership, procrastination, and lack of communication. We create healthy behaviors in business owners that, when combined with implementing innovative systems, structures, and planning, can help recession-proof your business and provide the prosperity and freedom that you desire.

Take our FREE evaluation today. Learn what to do to recession-proof your business now!


What you can count on from your Project Manager from Next Level Consulting:
Total honesty
A supportive and challenging mentor
Someone who will address behaviors that are getting in the way of your success
A heart-felt commitment to the success of your company
Someone who places a premium on total accountability
A fanatical focus on result



"The strategies, methodologies, and systems David Pham teaches consistently produce huge profit increases for the businesses that learn and implement them" Martin Howey, CEO TopLine



















































